Foundation for Rural Education and Development (FRED): Technology Grants for Rural Schools

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    Funder Type

    Private Foundation

    IT Classification

    A - Primarily intended to fund technology


    The Foundation For Rural Education and Development (FRED)


    All FRED Programs have been concluded and are currently not planned for 2015 and beyond.

    Technology Grants for Rural Schools program was created to help meet the growing need for innovative technology in the classroom. The grants strive to help public schools in rural areas bring modern computers to every classroom, connect schools to the information superhighway and make sure that effective and engaging software and online resources are an integral part of the school curriculum.

    Reviewers will evaluate applications based on each of the following criteria: magnitude of the problem to be addressed; economic need of school/school district; impact of the project on students and faculty; measurability of the goals, objectives, and outcomes; and clarity and feasibility of the project's vision. Please refer to the guidance referenced at the URL provided in the contact information section of this summary for detailed information.


    History of Funding

    Summaries of past successful project proposals can be found at Since 2001, years over $3 million in funding has been requested, and almost $782,000 in funding has been granted to public schools.

    Additional Information

    FRED sponsors one other grant program - 

    The Ethyl Grant program provides matching grants to fund projects aimed at bettering their communities. The grants, ranging from $500 - $2,500, are awarded on a rolling basis throughout the year and must be matched by the community. There are two types of Ethyl Grants that may be awarded, the Educational Grant and the Community Development Grant. This matching grant program focuses on ways rural communities can work together to meet a collective need. Grants have been used for projects such as building wheelchair ramps and accessible bathrooms in a local baseball park, purchasing a school’s first Smart Board for their classrooms, and creating a safe playing environment for school-age children. Bennet & Bennet, PLLC and Ericsson are the sponsors of the 2014 Ethyl Grant Program.

    For a 2014 Ethyl Grant brochure, see:


    Melissa Korzuch

    Melissa Korzuch
    Executive Director
    The Foundation for Rural Education and Development (FRED)
    4196 Merchant Plaza
    Suite 803
    Lake Ridge, WA 22192
    (202) 660-2899
    (202) 517-9104

  • Eligibility Details

    Starting in the fall of 2013, eligibility for FRED programs is determined by the Donor Circle. Applicants must have a letter of nomination from a Donor Circle company for that program year and meet the basic requirements outlined in the individual program brochure. Only those applications that meet these two requirements will be considered for FRED funding. If you are interested in applying for a scholarship or other funding program, contact one of the companies listed on the Donor Circle list. The number of applications each company nominate is limited and is determined by the company. Companies not in the "Donor Circle" wishing to nominate an applicant for a FRED program may do so by making a donation to FRED.  If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Korzuch, Executive Director, at 202/660-2899.

    Deadline Details

    Tech Grant applications are always being reviewed by the selection committee. Applicants will receive an email in December confirming that their application has been received. Winners will be announced in late January each year.

    Award Details

    FRED will award grants on an annual basis in the range of $2,000 to $5,000, depending on the scope of the grant-funding request. Over $42,000 was awarded in the 2014FY to 16 Public School Districts across the nation.

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts

    • Funding Classroom Technology to Empower Students and Teachers - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Maximizing Technology-friendly Workforce Development Grants - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Funding Data-driven Workforce Development Projects - Sponsored by NetApp - Playback Available


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